Oil-free piston vacuum pumps are efficient and reliable vacuum devices suitable for a variety of application fields, including medical health, food processing, chemical engineering, semiconductor m...
When delving deeper into the differences between suction pumps and vacuum pumps, it becomes evident that despite some superficial similarities in their names, these two types of pumps exhibit disti...
Many vacuum process installations are equipped with a Roots pump on top of the pre-stage pump, both to increase the pumping speed and to improve the vacuum. However, the following problems are ofte...
The molecular pump is a vacuum pump that uses a high-speed rotor to transfer momentum to the gas molecules so that they gain directional velocity and are thus compressed, driven towards the exhaust...
Technical terminology for vacuum pumps
In addition to the main characteristics of the vacuum pump, ultimate pressure, flow rate and pumping rate, there are also some nomenclature terms to express t...
As the golden autumn approaches, the global optoelectronics industry gears up for a grand gathering – the 25th China International Optoelectronics Exposition (CIOE 2024). Scheduled to take place f...