The equipment that can expel gas from a closed container or keep the number of gas molecules in the container decreasing is usually called vacuum obtaining equipment or vacuum pump. According to th...
Technical terminology for vacuum pumps
In addition to the main characteristics of the vacuum pump, ultimate pressure, flow rate and pumping rate, there are also some nomenclature terms to express t...
The molecular pump is a vacuum pump that uses a high-speed rotor to transfer momentum to the gas molecules so that they gain directional velocity and are thus compressed, driven towards the exhaust...
1. The number of fan blades is small, and the air volume generated is small.
2. The fan speed is low, the wind pressure and air volume are small.
3. The motor has high power and high current, r...
Rotary vane vacuum pumps are used as oil sealed pumps most of the time. During the use, some oil and gas will be expelled together with the pumped gas, resulting in oil spray. Therefore, rotary van...
In the vast universe of precision manufacturing and cutting-edge scientific research, the molecular pump, with its unique charm and powerful functionality, has emerged as the cornerstone for creati...