In the realm of vacuum technology, valves serve as crucial components within vacuum systems, fulfilling functions such as cutoff, regulation, direction, and protection. With the continuous advancem...
When delving deeper into the differences between suction pumps and vacuum pumps, it becomes evident that despite some superficial similarities in their names, these two types of pumps exhibit disti...
What is the use of vacuum pump in laboratory?
In the vast arenas of scientific research and industrial production, the vacuum pump stands as an essential tool in numerous laboratories, carrying the...
Technical terminology for vacuum pumps
In addition to the main characteristics of the vacuum pump, ultimate pressure, flow rate and pumping rate, there are also some nomenclature terms to express t...
In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the vacuum pump stands as an indispensable piece of equipment in numerous laboratories and industrial sectors, making its selection a cru...
Rotary vane vacuum pumps are used as oil sealed pumps most of the time. During the use, some oil and gas will be expelled together with the pumped gas, resulting in oil spray. Therefore, rotary van...