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TRP Double stage rotary vane vacuum pump-Super Q

TRP Double stage rotary vane vacuum pump is one of the fundamental vacuum acquiring equipment in vacuum applications.which is widely used in scientific research and teaching the require high or low-vacuumenvironment, as well as in operation fields requiring an vacuum environment, such asauxiliaries to vacuum application equipment, auxiliaries to production lines in electronicand semiconductor industries, color kinescope exhaust production line, vacuum freezedrying, production of analytic instruments and electric light sources.

TRP Double stage rotary vane vacuum pump

TRP Double stage rotary vane vacuum pump Consisting of an oil-return preventing check valve system, a pressure oil circulatingsys- tem, a convenient gas ballast valve control, etc., this pump is characterized by, amon- gothers, high ultimate vacuum, low noise, and no oil leakage and injection, providing- excellent services for the users with its advanced performance and reliable quality.


Post time: Jul-16-2024