Recently, a user asked: why should magnetic inspection be done for vacuum pump during air transportation?I will tell you about the magnetic inspection in this issue
1. What is magnetic inspection?
1. What is a pump?
A: A pump is a machine that converts the mechanical energy of the prime mover into energy for pumping liquids.
2. What is power?
A: The amount of work done per unit of time is ca...
The rotary vane vacuum pump is an oil-sealed mechanical vacuum pump and is one of the most basic vacuum-acquiring devices in vacuum technology.
The rotary vane vacuum pump can pump out dry gases in...
In vacuum systems there are flanges of various sizes
such as KFundefined CFundefined ISOundefined etc. These series of flanges are used in the vacuum system in the common sealing connectionundefine...
I. Mechanical pumps
The main function of the mechanical pump is to provide the necessary pre-stage vacuum for the start-up of the turbomolecular pump. Commonly used mechanical pumps include mainly ...
In fluid control systems, valves serve as crucial devices for regulating and controlling fluid flow. Among them, angle valves and gate valves are two common and distinctive types of valves. This ar...